Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I Wore: On an Adventure

I think I drove all over Gadsden yesterday. I don't understand errands. Why does it seem like everything expires, runs out or  gets broken at the same time? It's a conspiracy. Thanks to this conspiracy, I was forced to go get my license renewed (yes, I've been driving w/o one for a month. such a rebel.) mail off my lens which was mysteriously broken, go pick up buttons for a project at work and go to Wal-Mart for random items. Whew. I, also, got lost twice. Sad.

By the way, I was way over dressed for this adventure, but when you find yourself back in a small town you find joy in the little things. Don't judge me. I may wear a ball gown to the grocery store tonight. 

What I'm Wearing: 
T-Shirt- GAP | Jeans-Thrifted | Vest-GAP (2006) | Shoes-Brash for Payless | All Jewelry-Thrifted