Monday, October 24, 2011

What I Wore: Alliteration

I had an absolute blast this weekend! Going into it, I was a little bummed because I would be missing Homecoming at my Alma Mater, Howard University, but with a little optimism the weekend quickly turned into one for the books. 

I spent the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law. Love those guys. We went to Miles College's HC, a Masquerade Ball and wrapped it all up with an awesome church  service on Sunday. 

Favorite memory of the weekend? Our nerdy literary game we insisted on playing. My brother had to rhyme everything, I had to use alliteration and my sister-in-law was the irony of the bunch. This grand geeky game  got (see, I'm a beast lol) a little tricky after a while, but hey we're weirdos so we stuck with it. 

All in all this weekend was a much needed break from the humdrumness (I made up a word) of small town life. 

Here's my outfit from yesterday. I hate that my Saturday night outfit wasn't captured, but oh well! 

What I'm Wearing: 
Dress-Thrfited | Booties-Calvin Klein- | Earrings-Vintage | Belt-Van Heusen
This was a mistake, but I loved it.