Thursday, January 13, 2011

What I Wore: "Settling In"

I told you all that I'd just moved back to DC and believe me I miss the weather back home. Actually, I just miss having a car to drive around. Getting dressed here is more about warmth than anything else and I'm already starting to miss my heels; riding the subway and walking everywhere doesn't really call for heel wearing. Unfortunately.

In other news, I hadn't posted any outfit posts in over a week so I decided to share my simple look for the day! Nothing fancy, just something comfy to wear to class. 

I really just love my room mates' mirror (sorry lol) 

I'm wearing:

Jeans- Gap legging jean
T-shirt- Gap 
Cardigan- I've had it since high school, who knows! lol
Boots- bought in Denmark
Belt- thrifted
Earrings- gifted
Necklace- belongs to my room mate



  1. Great outfit, i love the boots, and good luck getting used to the weather :)

