Something about what I wore today reminded me of Blanche from the Golden Girls. Yes, I just said that I looked like a 60 year old woman in Miami. I'm so proud. Perhaps it was the dusty rose pants or the cardigan, but I felt very mature today for some reason.
I recently found out that the GAP in my hometown in closing. ::moment of silence:: I nearly cried. I worked at this GAP, shopped here, spent every summer's earnings at this GAP and they are closing it. SMH really hard. So, I went there on Friday and grabbed some great finds including every item in this ensemble today. The pants, shirt and cardigan came to a whopping $19. Yea. The shoes are another story (gift from an ex boyfriend that I'd never worn until today)
What I'm Wearing:
Pants-GAP | Bedazzled Tank-GAP| Cardigan-GAP| Shoes-Gifted| Jewelry-Thrifted
You look totally comfy, and you have a great smile! I'm a new follower :) Stop by my blog some time and say hi, and follow back if you're interested.